Articles & Ideas

Virginia Sanders Virginia Sanders


Have you ever driven home from work or school, pulled into your garage and didn’t know how you got there? You don’t remember the drive at all. That’s autopilot: making unconscious, automatic decisions without any thought about what you are doing.

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Virginia Sanders Virginia Sanders

Happy New Year 2021!

As we approach the new year, lets take some time to reflect on 2020. NOT! What a shit year! I don’t know about you but I’m way happy to move on. It was long, quiet and scary. I was one of the lucky ones as I was able to keep working and socialize in small groups (with distance of course) but there were times when I struggled a bit.

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Virginia Sanders Virginia Sanders

I am a teacher

The Usui tradition of passing Reiki from student to teacher works! It has always worked!! It starts working before the client even arrives. It starts working because the intention to do the attunement at a particular time is set.  The whole day before the attunement, I feel my energy amplified. I feel my crown chakra is already open ready to receive the Reiki from the universe, cosmos, God…whatever you want to call it. I am not intentionally asking for these things to happen…..they just do!

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Virginia Sanders Virginia Sanders


But what exactly is the big deal? What if I am empathic and I pick up other people's emotions....who cares? The answer is: When you assume other people's emotions/feelings as your own, YOU ARE NOT STANDING IN YOUR OWN POWER. You are not standing in your own truth or your own wisdom. You can be a more empowered individual if you stay true to who you are at all times and in all situations. To do that you must be able to separate your emotions from someone else;.

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Virginia Sanders Virginia Sanders

Inner Smile

The ‘Inner Smile’ is a meditation. The concept being when you smile at something, it brings joy therefore when you smile at your organs or body systems it will increase the chi (life force energy) to that region. I remember reading this years ago so when I started listening to my organs (in my case it was the stomach/intestines) and hearing/feeling what they had to say, I then smiled at them and thanked them for bringing this issue to my attention.

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Virginia Sanders Virginia Sanders

Your Energy Field

The concept of the Energy Field (EF) can be quite daunting. In the field, there are Chakras, meridians and so many different layers. Yikes! To get completely verse in everything there is to know about the EF you would need years of practice and you still might not have it all figured out. But I don't think it has to be that hard. For the purposes of this blog, we are NOT going to break down the EF into parts. At all. At least not for a while. We will however lump it all together as one unit so that you can get familiar with feeling it, controlling it and picking stuff up from it. 

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Virginia Sanders Virginia Sanders

Law of Attraction

“The Law of Attraction: That which is like unto itself is drawn. Whatever you are giving your attention to causes you to emit a vibration (via thought forms), and the vibrations that you offer equal your asking, which equals your point of attraction. If there is something you desire that you currently do not have, you need only put your attention upon it, and, by the law of attraction, it will come to you, for as you think about this thing or experience that you desire, you offer a vibration, and then, by law that very thing or experience must come to you. “

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Virginia Sanders Virginia Sanders

Energy and the Body (Part 2)

As mentioned in the previous blog entry, our dominant thoughts determine where our energy goes. Have you worked out yet where your energy is going? It can be difficult to assess this because we have so many thoughts going on simultaneously but by now you may have noticed one or two common themes in your thinking. With many people, including myself, one of the predominant thoughts is of Self-sabotage. I enjoy my own company and quite like who I am but when I started really paying attention to my internal dialogue, I was surprised by the negative stuff that came up!

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Blog Post Author Blog Post Author

Energy and the Body

Airports. An energetic nightmare. So many people, all completely unaware of what they are doing energetically to themselves or others. Emotions are everywhere here. Some are happy. Some are sad. Some are just mad because they missed their flight or flights are delayed. Some just want to get home. I don't do well in crowds. I never have and airports freak me out. So here I a busy airport first thing in the morning. Mornings are not the best time for me however on this day I am going on vacation in a tropical place. I had coffee and breakfast so I’m actually feeling pretty good. Much to my partners' dismay, we are early because that reduces my stress, so I venture out to check out airport shopping. All of a sudden, I feel irritated, the feeling I get when I haven't eaten in a few hours.

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Virginia Sanders Virginia Sanders

Welcome to my blog!

I had a back issue. It started when I was a teenager and continued well into my 30's. It had gotten to a point where i was not comfortable in any position. I tried chiropractors, body stress release, massage and physiotherapy. These modalities all brought temporary relief but the discomfort would always come back. One night, I went to a friends house for dinner. Moving from chair to chair in discomfort, my friend asked me, “why dont you try Reiki?” I had no idea what it was. She explained that it was a natural healing method to bring balance to the body energetically. I thought, 'I am not gonna try that!' All that energy stuff sounded weird. No thank you.

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