Happy New Year 2021!

As we approach the new year, lets take some time to reflect on 2020. NOT! What a shit year! I don’t know about you but I’m way happy to move on. It was long, quiet and scary. I was one of the lucky ones as I was able to keep working and socialize in small groups (with distance of course) but there were times when I struggled a bit. I did however, find myself learning new things in all the downtime periods when I had nothing else to do. Why did I learn something new? The answer: Loneliness. I am an introvert and therefore being alone, which I often prefer, does not equal loneliness.  However, when that feeling comes up, I know I am way off balance and lost my connection to my soul or spirit. 

 Loneliness happens when I’m worried about an issue or problem in my life and/or too busy (or lazy rather) to make the necessary meditation/connection time. Being empathic, I pick up on other peoples’ issues and worry about that too! All this creates a recipe for disconnection from my body, mind and soul. Some of the breathing techniques I used regularly to manage my stress and emotions were not effective anymore so I started looking for new methods to keep me connected to me. 

I was on Facebook one day and someone posted a link to a HeartMath video. It showed a very simple breathing technique to get centered and connected to the heart. I started using this technique and it immediately helped me find that place of connection and joy.  I began using it for longer periods of time and also in busy places such as the grocery store or at work. It is harder to get centered when there’s chaos all around but it can be done. It just takes a bit longer. After a few days of this, the loneliness was gone. 

The premise behind HeartMath techniques is to create coherence between the heart and brain, which then reduces stress, anxiety and relaxes the body.  As you go through your daily rituals, your heart rate varies. If you’re late for work, it goes up. If you are nervous about something, it goes up. If you are reading a book, it’s at a resting rate. It goes up and down all day.  For those who are stressed out about finances or a relationship, the heart rate is probably pretty erratic. If the rhythm of the heart is stable, then it is said to be in a state of coherence. When that happens, it also chills the brain out so now the brain and heart are working together! When does that ever happen? Lol. The results include better brain function, more mental clarity as well as feelings of joy and well being. Creative solutions and problem solving also become more accessible. Additionally, and with continued practice, you will set up a new baseline for your heart rhythm. The deeper aspect of this practice is accessing the hearts’ inner guidance or intuition. The best part of all this is YOU have full control over regulating your emotions and creating this coherence. 

I went on to do the certification in this course so now I incorporate the HeartMath tools into my Reiki practice. So let’s start with a simple breathing exercise to start off 2021! More will come later.

1. Get comfy. Preferably, sit up with your back straight. Take in some deep breaths to get centered. I usually start off by breathing deep into my stomach and focusing on the breath as it enters and exits my body. This brings me into the now but do whatever gets you there.

2. Now breathe through your nose and directly into your heart. Breathe into and out of your heart.

3. Do this for just 10 minutes to start, twice a day at least. Practice at home but also in the DMV line or grocery store or any public place. Enjoy!

See you in 2021! 





I am a teacher