Unleash your healing potential

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Our mission at Integrative Reiki Academy is to awaken your own innate healing power through Reiki Treatments, Reiki Courses and Wellness Workshops. 

We hope to inspire you with knowledge of your mind-body connection for the purpose of aligning you to your Higher Self and therefore transforming your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

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Reiki Services

  • Individual Reiki Treatments

    These one-hour Reiki sessions are available in-person and remote, wherever you are. Discover the gentle power of Reiki with sessions that can help remove energetic blockages, restoring your body’s innate healing ability.

  • Creative Reiki Treatments

    These 1.5 hour sessions include drawing your intention for the session or your emotional, mental state on canvas. After a Reiki treatment you draw what came up for you. This type of creative expression can release the subconscious through the hand, allowing for a deeper healing experience.

  • Reiki Monthly Membership

    Want to experience the benefits of Reiki on a regular basis? Monthly members receive discounted sessions and special offers on workshops for consistent optimal health of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of who you are.

  • Reiki Certification

    Learn how to give Reiki to yourself and others with this life changing certification training. These courses will immediately amplify your life force energy creating a profound healing experience for you.

  • Wellness Workshops

    How is your energetic wellness? Learn more about your energy field, chakras and other aspects of your energetic Self. These workshops are designed to offer tools so you can take responsibility of your own healing.

  • Corporate Reiki

    Create a more balanced and harmonious work environment through the power of Reiki. Reiki treatments at on-site workplaces can help reduce stress, enhance mental clarity & promote overall wellbeing for employees.

Reiki for You

Reiki is a healing technique that can promote relaxation & stress reduction through the laying on of hands. As life force energy flows through us, it can sometimes get stuck causing pain, physical imbalance, as well as disease. Reiki can help unblock areas of your body, mind and emotional aspects of who you are, promoting relaxation and restoring the body’s natural healing ability.  

At Integrative Reiki Academy, we intuitively listen to the needs of your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of you while healing and clearing what no longer serves you. Our goal is to support your overall well being and bring all aspects of you back into balance. 

stack of balancing stones at the beach

About Me

Virginia has nearly 20 years of experience with Reiki, previously offering treatments and courses 3 different countries. Now she is staying put in Oceanside, California. The "integrative" aspect of Integrative Reiki Academy comes from the combination of Reiki with other modalities to offer enhanced wellness sessions for her clients. What sets her apart from other practitioners is she spends a lot of time in the energy field of clients, as this is where all our baggage is stored. Giving Reiki and clearing this part of us allows for a quicker/deeper healing response and can preempt problems with the physical body. She is passionate about personal growth and teaching people how to take responsibility for their own life force energy and what it is doing at any given moment.

integrative reiki academy practitioner san diego

Upcoming Events

what our clients say

"What a transformative experience at the workshop led by Virginia Sanders of Integrative Reiki Academy yesterday! Discussing the layers of our human energy field was not only informative but also incredibly engaging. Virginia’s practical exercises & meditations were eye-opening, teaching us how to fine-tune our own energy fields.

It’s amazing how understanding & adjusting our invisible space can safeguard us from negativity & contribute to our health & wellbeing. I’m grateful for the knowledge & the no-experience-needed approach that made it all so accessible. Thank you, Virginia, for a fantastic two hours of interactive & fun learning.“

—Carolyn, Wellness Workshop participant